“Creating and managing a diverse workforce is a process, not a destination.” –R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Personal Account on Diversity

“Our objective is to create equal opportunity within the workforce, but also make it clear to our customers, to our shareholders, to everyone who does business with the bank how we feel about inclusion, how important it is.” – Bill Downe

The previous posts have merely been other’s opinions about the BMO Financial Group; however it is essentially to know BMO’s personal beliefs on workplace diversity. The quote above was taken from the Bank of Montreal’s official website at http://www.bmo.com/home/about/banking/corporate-responsibility/employees/diversity-equity-inclusion. Using the information given on the website, I will provide a brief synopsis of BMO’s views accordingly.

Their vision is to appeal to customers everywhere by embracing diversity and having it thoroughly integrated into their workforce. In order to achieve their goal, BMO implemented the cross-enterprise Diversity Renewal Council in 2011. The objective of the council is to oversee that diversity is fully involved within their corporation. The council has devised a renewal strategy involving a four year plan to accompany their efforts. The plan has key properties and future goals such as increasing the executive role of woman. Due to these reasons, it is safe to assume that BMO is just as involved with diversity as indicated by the previous sources.
Posted By: Danielle Morris  

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